Saturday, December 5, 2015

More madness??

Another day of exploring my relationship with the infinite.  We all have separate physical bodies, but each and every one of them exists within the infinite and is therefore is a part of it.  In that sense, we are all gods and goddesses.  In fact everything that lives and everything that does not live is part of the infinite, and that includes right here and right now. When I meditate on the infinite, I clasp my hands together of my heart because the infinite is right here and right now.  It is immanent - within me.  Many people, when they pray hold their hands together pointing to the sky to a god who lives in the sky - in heaven - who is eminent, meaning who is something other than themselves.   (Whew!!  What a sentence to have to wade through!).  I focus on the four elements, air, fire, water, earth, that make up my physical self, and the fifth element, spirit, which links me to the non-physical world.  These five elements together are my existence within the infinite.  This meditation connects me to the totality of all that is (as well as all that isn't).  It reminds me that I do not have a separate self that exists outside the paradigm of the infinite.  Every action that I take and everything that is (or is not) affected by that action exists within the infinite.  I do not know the circumstances of other beings (human or other parts of nature such as the Tsunami in Japan, or the eruption of Mt. Ranier) that lead them to perform certain actions or the situations that result from those actions.  My left toe is a part of my physical self, but it does not "know" how its every action affects me, and affects the actions I take within the infinite.  Likewise, I don't "know" how my every action becomes part of the infinite, affecting other entities that exist within the infinite.  I only know that my every action results from what I need to occur, or what I would like to have occur, and those choices cone from the spirit within me that makes ME a part of the infinite.  (You can send the padded wagon for me anytime.  I'm sure the infinite includes a nice padded cell for me somewhere.)  As always, all comments are welcome.